High River Christmas

40th Annual Santa Claus Parade
The High River Santa Claus Parade is a tradition for many families to begin their Christmas season. We look forward to coming together again to celebrate a magical evening of lights, music, and activity for our 40th annual parade.
December 05, 2025
The fun begins in:
The theme for 2025 is
Celebrating the Joy of the Holidays
Event Highlights
Find Us On Social
Where Christmas Begins
Parade Route 2024
The Santa Claus Parade winds it's way through downtown High River with a number of activities and places to warm up along the route. There's also a printable parade route pdf and interactive online parade route (included below as well).
Map updated: 2024-11-14
Light Up High River
If George Lane Park full of lights could create such joy, imagine what the whole of High River dressed up might cause!
That was the spark behind this friendly town-wide contest to determine the favourite display of the season. Everyone is welcome to participate and share their love of Christmas and the holiday season. No decoration or string of lights is too small.
Home-based businesses are welcome to enter. We suggest selecting either the resident or business category.
Winners announced December 22, 2025.
Prizes Surprises
Light Up High River Timeline
Light Up High River Winners • 2024
Winners Announced December 23, 2024.
Thank you to all our participants, viewers and voters for making Light Up High River 2024 such a bright spot in our holiday season.

Visit With Santa
Santa has a special spot in his heart for High River and rearranged his schedule with the elves to have as much time as possible visiting with children.
Santa At The Museum
The Museum was chosen as a special workshop for Santa. Children can chat with the jolly old fellow at their own special time. Keep on the watch for elves popping in and out from the North Pole. Drop by the museum or call during open hours to book your time slot. Non-perishable donations for the Salvation Army food bank gratefully accepted. Museum of the Highwood.
After the Santa Claus Parade
December 05, 2025
Saturdays & Sundays 11:00am - 3:00pm
December 06 - December 21, 2025

Markets have become part of the traditions of the holiday season in High River. Talented crafters and makers offer shoppers a wide range of gifts with the personal touch to choose from.

High River Winter Market
Inclusion Foothills
The annual 2025 Winter Market hosted by Inclusion Foothills will be held at the Highwood Memorial Centre once again. This is a showcase for incredible local vendors and artisans
Friday, December 05: 2:00pm - 9:00pm
Saturday, December 06: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Entry fee: donations welcomed
Vendor applications are not yet being accepted for 2025.
Gift of Hope Market
High River United Church
The Gift of Hope Market will be open on Parade night. Drop in for hot chocolate and a children's activity. The Highwood Ringers bell choir will perform immediately after the parade.
- Friday, December 05: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
The One World Market offers handmade items, restored jewelry, Zatoun Olive Oil, and more.
Monday - Thursdays: December 01 - 22, 2025
- 9:30am-12:30pm during office hours

Christmas Market
The Town of High River
Watch for details of the Town of High River's Christmas Market
High River Nativity
Each year, as a gift to the community, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hosts a creche display with nativities.
One in Christ:Peace on Earth
Friday, December 05: 10am - 9pm
Saturday, December 06: 10am - 7pm

Event Calendar
Please contact with holiday events and volunteering opportunities to include on the website.
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Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Volunteer Opportunities
Please contact with holiday events to include on the website.
To volunteer for the parade, please SIGN UP HERE for one of the various roles.
We will be setting up the light displays in George Lane Park:
Oct 30: Decorate tall tress (Wednesday)
Nov 8: Prep for set up (Friday)
Nov 9: Set up displays (Saturday)
- We encourage you to SIGN UP HERE so we can keep you updated with details.
- We start at 9:00am
- Meet at the south parking area
- Dress for the weather
- We hope to be finished by 1pm. The more volunteers we have, the sooner we will be done
- Come out for an hour or two if that's what your schedule allows
We need help to spread the Christmas spirit for kids of all ages during the Santa Claus Parade.
Positions include:
- Poster delivery
- Candy delivery
- Fire pit management
- Barricade management
- Christmas Ambassadors
Please SIGN UP HERE for one of the various roles we have for parade volunteers.
The Salvation Army 2024 Kettles will be out in November.
They are looking for volunteers for our Christmas Kettle Campaign.
More information coming.